Food Additives

Ingredients to avoid in food

Food Additives

There are many harmful chemicals being put into your food that most people aren't even aware of that can cause a world of disease and illness in your life. The top 5 harmful food additives are shown that you and your family are using right now are stealing your health and energy and even lowering your IQ. They increase stress levels in your body and brain and lead to Anxiety, Clinical Depression, Alzheimer's, Autism, ADHD, Intestinal Problems among other things.

We'll we're going to shine a spotlight on the most toxic food additives so you can do something about it and make yourself and your family much healthier and also save lots of money from unnecessary sickness and doctors visits! There are four common yet harmful poisons in our household that most people have no idea they are putting into their bodies (and those of their infants and children.)


Toxic Food additives like fluoride are in your food and water, and we're going to show you what they are so you can avoid them like the plague! They are Glyphosate, Sodium Fluoride, Aspartame and MSG. The are the ingredients to avoid in food and food products.


GMO Dangers


What is Glyphosate?

What is Glyphosate and why should you avoid it? Glyphosate (brand name Round Up by Monsanto) is a lab created herbicide, that is the most common herbicide used to kill weeds and prevent their growth. Glyphosates are highly toxic food additives to human, insect and animal health. If you ever see conventional farming they are all wearing full “beekeeper” type suits with that protect their lungs, eyes and skin from any exposure. Why, because it would be fatal if they inhaled the fumes or it was on their skin for long.


The guitarist from the musical group Toto, came in contact with it and passed quickly (although they say he had a bad heart, please….) It was Glyphosate Toxicity that was the obvious cause that caused his heart to stop for good! It is used in GMO food production (genetically engineered foods) which are foods that are virus injected with a gene that instructs the plant (or animal) to make internal pesticide or herbicide) so bugs won't eat it. The problem is that it kills the healthy bugs in your stomach (probiotics) and causes autoimmune problems.


Glyphosate is a highly toxic food additive that is sprayed on wheat after it is harvested and is let soak and dry before sending off to be milled as flour (that most people who don't choose organic wheat are eating.) People are being diagnosed with “gluten intolerance” but it is almost always “glyphosate intolerance” that is the issue. I thought I had it, but since I’ve switched to organic (glyphosate free) I can eat it all day without discomfort now. Avoid these poisonous food additives at all costs by choosing organic wheat products!


fluoride side effects


Side Effects of Fluoride

Sodium Fluoride are toxic water and food additives (not natural fluoride) that is is typically found in most non-holistic toothpastes, and even placed in most commercial water supplies. It is also the main ingredient in RAT POISON and Prozac! Is fluoride really dangerous and if so, what are the side effects of fluoride? Just look at the above list that shows the most common fluoride side effects and reasons why you should avoid it!

Did you know that fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in the anti depressant Prozac and in the Deadly gas Sarin that killed 12 people on the Tokyo Subway in 1995. Sodium Fluoride is a hazardous waste by product from the manufacturing of aluminum. It also is a ingredient commonly found in rat and roach poisons, anesthetics, and military nerve gasses. It has been a thorn in the side of companies wanting to dispose of the substance due to high costs associated with hazardous waste. Depending on what study you read, fluoride shortens life span, promotes cancer, accelerates osteoporosis and fragile hips in the elderly, and basically makes us docile and subservient, all in one neatly wrapped package.

Did you know this poisonous chemical and food additive is the main ingredient in Prozac and most anti-depressant drugs? As a matter of fact the side effects are worse than the actual feeling of depression in most cases! I don't know about you, but I'd much rather feel a little depressed than have suicidal thoughts! There are much safer ways to treat depression. If you're feeling depressed, chemicals are not the answer, they are the problem. See: Natural Treatment of Depression to discover a much better way that treats the cause so you actually get better.


I have personally switched to holistic physicians and will use only holistic dentistry. Holistic dentists safely remove your toxic mercury amalgam fillings and won't use toxic fluoride either! There are plenty of natural toothpastes now in every supermarket so you don't need the sodium fluoride. It does not cure tooth decay it instead causes dental fluorosis!


You can even use fine baking soda and coconut oil to clean your teeth effectively. I also got a fluoride water filter to remove it from my tap water (it's even in most bottled waters, including the alkaline ones I used to drink.) They even have shower attachment filters so you won't absorb it into your skin (you can even smell the chlorine and fluoride in the water at times).


aspartame side effects


Side Effects of Aspartame

Aspartame and Nutrasweet are toxic food additives you should avoid in food. What is Aspartame and what are the most common side effects of aspartame? Look at the above list of aspartame side effects and you'll quickly see why you should never use it. You can use a natural sugar instead. Aspartame is the technical name for the brand names NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure. It was discovered by accident in 1965 when James Schlatter, a chemist of G.D. Searle Company, was testing an anti-ulcer drug.

Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious including seizures and death.(1) A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include: Headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain. (Courtesy of Dr. Mercola's website:

I would avoid this poisonous food additive at all costs. There are many safe alternatives, like Raw Honey, Organic Maple Syrup, Agave Nectar, Stevia and Xylitol to name a few.


food additive


Side Effects of MSG Food Additive

What is MSG? MSG and associated neurostimulants are toxic food additives. MSG is the acronym for monosodium glutamate and it is a common food additive, especially in Asian food products and dishes. What are the most common side effects of MSG food additive? You can look at the above list of the most common MSG side effects. Whenever my mouth gets extremely dry and I feel a little lightheaded right after eating I know it had MSG in it. I immediately take zeolite so and drink lots of water to get it out of my body quickly as it is a brain toxin.


It is as deadly as it is tricky. It fools you into thinking that the food tastes better than it naturally does. It does this by short circuiting brain circuitry and exciting specific areas of the brain. It is a toxic food additive and neurotoxin and can not only make you fat, it can also make you dead!

There are other nervous system stimulants that tend to disrupt healthy function of the endocrine system. These include sugar and MSG (monosodium glutamate). MSG is something you have to look for on food labels because it's hidden in a lot of grocery store products. This is a highly toxic ingredient. It will not only cause sleep disorders, it will also tend to cause migraine headaches and can even lead to Alzheimer's disease. MSG does not belong in the human body. It can even interfere with normal appetite regulatory functions and make it almost impossible for people to lose weight, especially if they are currently obese.

MSG are harmful food additives that is hidden in many products so you won't realize it's there. You have to keep on top of it (we can help) so you are not bombarded with toxic chemicals and always sick.

It can show up in food products as:

  • MSG
  • Gelatin
  • Calcium Caseinate
  • Monosodium glutamate
  • Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
  • Textured Protein
  • Monopotassium glutamate
  • Hydrolyzed Plant Protein
  • Yeast Extract
  • Glutamate
  • Autolyzed Plant Protein
  • Yeast food or nutrient
  • Glutamic Acid
  • Sodium Caseinate
  • Autolyzed Yeast

Avoid these food additives the best you can. You can ask the restaurant if they use MSG in their foods and leave if they do. It is not worth risking your brain, immune system and health.


is table salt healthy


Table Salt vs Himalayan Salt

Table Salt vs Himalayan Salt, one is extremely healthy and one you will want to avoid. Table salt is chemically treated rock salt (toxic food additive) that is heat processed and has any beneficial mineral removed. It is not just pure junk, it is toxic junk! I'm sure you're aware that even medical doctors recommend you limit or avoid it. It can cause heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, immune issues and poor health. Himalayan salt on the other hand is healthy salt you should not severely limit or avoid. You will notice the rich pink color in the salt crystals.


That is elemental magnesium, along with dozens of healthy trace minerals that feed your whole body. These are natural cell salts that are so beneficial for your blood and every cells in your body. There is so much calcium in every food product now that we are deficient in natural magnesium and pink salt (Himalayan Pink Salt) is the richest natural source know to humankind. You really need to supplement with natural magnesium as it is the one mineral that most people are highly deficient in and it causes insomnia and other chronic health conditions. See: best type of magnesium.


Sea salt is better than table salt by a long-shot, but because of not always knowing where it came from I avoid it (radiation in oceans can be drawn to sea salt from affected areas like the Pacific.) So please start reading labels and teach your loved ones to do the same. If we stop purchasing and using these deadly products, the manufacturers will be forced to stop selling them! And you'll also save a ton of money on doctor's visits, medications and health issues they caused.


All of the above food additives are toxins are neurotoxins that poison your brain, and usually your immune system. The two things that you will want to keep healthy as you mature. Listen to Dr. Russell Blaylock, author of the groundbreaking book “Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills” shows how these dangerous food additives and toxins that are probably in your cupboard right now, destroy your brain, nervous system and weaken your immune system:


Dr. Russell Blaylock: Excitotoxins - The Taste That Kills


Best Detox Cleanse

You can do a healthy detox on your body to release the food additives and toxins that are stored in your organs, particularly the liver and the colon. Most people who have done the best detox cleanse is one that cleanses your liver (your master cleanse organ) and then flushes your colon. You can tell that it is working because lots of things clear up immediately, like acne, rashes, hair loss, bad breath, jitters, lack of energy, and always being on edge. Your friends, family and partners will thank you!  


The liver has to compete with toxins from the water (chlorine, fluoride, chemicals, prescription drugs), air (industrial smokestacks, car/train/plane fumes), food additives (preservatives, antibiotics, hormones, chemicals, bacteria, trans fats, heavy metals), chemical deodorants, sunscreens, pesticides, and much more. Our liver will become clogged up by these liver toxins and we may even notice a yellow tint to our skin or the whites of the eyes.


best liver cleanse


How to Cleanse Your Liver Naturally

How to cleanse your liver naturally and quickly. Doing a regular liver detox and colon detox will keep your body free from harmful food additives and environmental toxins. Your liver is your first line of defense internally and your body's master cleanser. It gets clogged up and damaged and needs to be cleansed regularly because of all the environmental toxins and harmful food additives in your diet. Using liver cleansing herbs and nutrients are extremely important. Discover how to get the toxic food additives out of your body. Discover how to detox your liver.


You must also cleanse the colon from toxic food additives. Because once you do a liver cleanser, the toxins from the liver travel through the colon to be released from your body. If your colon is still clogged, there is no way for the toxins to leave the body and they will go right back into your body and mind and other harmful areas, discover how to cleanse your colon naturally after you cleanse your liver and you will be good to go.


Begin your morning with a natural detox using a glass of purified water and add 1/4 fresh lemon squeezed, with a pinch of sea salt and cayenne pepper if you can take it. This is highly alkaline and helps rid your body of harmful acidic substances and food additives. Here is a good list of substances that can get the environmental toxins and harmful food additives safely out of your body:

  • Zeolite Powder (Proven Cancer, Virus, Radiation, Heavy Metal, Chemical, Pesticide and Glyphosate Detox supplement, with exceptional results. Not only detoxes glyphosates, pesticides and GMO’s but also protects your gut and immune system from the damage caused by them. It can also help stop cancers forming, as GMO foods and glyphosate cause cancer.)
  • Liver Detox Cleanse (Cleanses and detoxes the chemicals and food additives out of your body safe and naturally)
  • Peak BioBoost is a microbiome balancer, it restores optimum intestinal balance so you have normal digestion and elimination. It is a doctor formulated, science-backed prebiotic fiber blend to help you enjoy “perfect poops” on a daily basis
  • Consti-Cleanse is a fast acting constipation relief formula that gives you quick and permanent relief of constipation naturally. It clears excess waste matter (impacted fecal matter) that gets stuck in your colon (causing constipation), it improves your digestion and encourages healthy and regular bowel movements, so you feel great (just say ah….)
  • Anti-Parasitic Herbs uses natural herbs like wormwood, black walnut hull, wood betony and buckthorn plus support herbs is an herbal parasite cleanse that stops intestinal parasites from laying eggs and kills the adults off quickly.
  • Best Enzymes for Digestion clears out Impacted Fecal Matter and Toxins from food additives.
  • P3-OM is a powerful probiotic supplement that restores Healthy Bacteria After Cleansing and crowds out harmful pathogens and food additives from sticking to your intestinal and colon walls.

Avoiding the 5 most harmful food additives can prevent a lot of illness and disease (dis-ease) in your body and save you from premature aging and a life of sickness. Choose healthy options and you and your family will benefit greatly now and as you mature into life. 

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