Hormonal Weight Gain Is there such a thing as Hormonal Weight Gain? I'm sure you've figured out by now that staying or becoming leaner is a lot more than just counting calories. It is even more than the types of calories you eat (fats vs carbs vs protein.) Your hormones are the master control that signals your brain to send …
Read More »Natural Remedies for Cold
Natural Remedies for Cold Most people “catch” the common cold by being exposed to it from a family member, friend, co-worker or children if you are around children that are exposed to it. The common cold is really a mild to moderate viral attack that can leave you feeling low on energy with mind fog as well as cough, sneezing, …
Read More »EMF Protection
EMF Protection The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is classifying the microwave radiation from Cellular Phones and Towers as a carcinogen (a cancer causing agent) and advises either avoiding or limiting usage, and using Electromagnetic Frequency. The Best EMF Protection devices to limit what your brain and body is absorbing. These types of electromagnetic radiation waves has already been shown …
Read More »Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treatment
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treatment Inflammatory bowel disease treatment. Inflammatory Bowel or IBD is a chronic condition or conditions that cause intestinal inflammation, chronic diarrhea, painful bloating and immune disorders. It has some symptoms related to IBS, or Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome as well. The walls of the intestines or gut become swollen, inflamed, and may even develop painful ulcers, which …
Read More »Is Fish Safe to Eat
Is Fish Safe to Eat Is Fish Safe to Eat? We live in a very different world today than we did just 20-30 years ago. Our oceans are being polluted with heavy metals, like mercury, lead, nuclear radiation, chemicals, PCB's (plastics) and even toxic algae. Safe Seafood concerns are at an all time high and for good reason. Are fish …
Read More »Food Additives
Food Additives There are many harmful chemicals being put into your food that most people aren't even aware of that can cause a world of disease and illness in your life. The top 5 harmful food additives are shown that you and your family are using right now are stealing your health and energy and even lowering your IQ. They …
Read More »Superbugs
Superbugs What are Superbugs? A Superbug refers to a microbial, usually a bacteria or virus that has become resistant to antivirals or antibiotics (antibiotic resistance.) A Superbug Infection (commonly a MRSA Staph Infection) is an infection that no longer responds to antimicrobial treatments. The superbug has developed antimicrobial resistance to antibiotics, antivirals and vaccines used to stop the spread and …
Read More »Treatment for Ebola Virus
Treatment for Ebola Virus Ebola sounds scary to most people. There is no need to panic however, as there are some things you can do (that will be shown below) that will help you survive this (and most other harmful virus outbreaks.) It is not always fatal and you can prevent the spread of this viral infection by using personal …
Read More »Treatment for Hantavirus
Treatment for Hantavirus If you're an outdoors person like I am then you've probably have heard about the hantavirus at some point in your life. It can make you really sick, and that is not the best time to get sick when you're trying to enjoy a vacation or time off in the great outdoors. There is a natural Treatment …
Read More »Norovirus Treatment
Norovirus Treatment If you travel for pleasure or for work, particularly on a cruise ship then you probably have heard about the norovirus before. It is wise to learn how to prevent it from making your trip a living nightmare, because nothing feels as bad as having severe nausea and vomiting while at sea. You need to know about the …
Read More »Radiation Side Effects Treatment
Radiation Side Effects Treatment Radiation Side Effects Treatment. Radiation is all around you every day, no matter where you live on this planet. Some is actually safe and beneficial as you do need some ultra violet rays (UV rays) from the sun to be healthy mentally and physically. ” A little UV radiation on your skin creates vitamin D3 in …
Read More »Are Vaccines Safe?
Are Vaccines Safe? Are Vaccines Safe? Vaccines are supposed to prevent and stop the spread of infectious disease. Do vaccines actually work? If they actually work, then the people who get them would not get sick from the disease they got vaccinated against, that is obvious. Not only are people getting sick from the flu From the Flu Shot, but …
Read More »What Are Chemtrails?
What Are Chemtrails? What are Chemtrails and what are chemtrails made of? I'm sure you may have seen the constant lines in the sky as airplanes pass overhead. They follow the path of the plane that is spraying them and they stay in the sky over you for hours. They turn the once beautiful blue sky into a nasty hazy …
Read More »Radiation Safety
Radiation Safety Radiation Safety. Radiation is all around us all day, everyday. Most of the radiation we encounter daily is from our own sun through solar radiation through the UV (ultraviolet) spectrum of light. That is normal and even beneficial to all life on earth. You will still want avoid excess sun exposure when the UV index level is high …
Read More »What is GMO?
What is GMO? What is GMO? Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) are living plants or animals that have their genes spliced with other foreign substances or organisms. They do this to have the plants create their own pesticides internally so as to stave off insects from eating them and destroying their crops. The animals used as livestock can also be genetically …
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