Holistic Nutrition

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally You need cholesterol to be healthy and even alive! It is the proper balance of LDL (low density lipoprotein) to HDL (high density lipoprotein) ratio that matters most. Cholesterol is a natural hormone that is vitally important to your overall health and maintaining youthful vigor as we gain maturity. You absolutely need some cholesterol in …

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Yeast Infection Natural Remedies

Yeast Infection Natural Remedies Yeast Infections are becoming more common by the day! There are plenty of reasons why this is happening and how to not be one of the people who suffer through this sometimes embarrassing and unhealthy condition. By choosing Yeast Infection Natural Remedies, you will learn how to not only stop and reverse chronic yeast infections, but …

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Heavy Metal Detox

Heavy Metal Detox Heavy Metals (or elemental heavy metal) are a type of metallic substance that is toxic to human health and can cause all types of brain, nervous system, immune system and poisoning symptoms. Doing a Heavy Metal Detox safely and effectively gets rid of these heavy metals naturally. Certain metals are safe and even necessary to human health, …

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Natural Male Enhancement

Natural Male Enhancement We all know that men need a little extra “get up and go” sometimes. That's why these Natural Male Enhancement products were created. Your body's hormones rise and fall due to exercise, nutrition (or the lack of it), mental states and of course stress. If you begin a regular fitness program and combine it with proper nutrition …

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What is Brown Fat?

What is Brown Fat? What is Brown Fat? It's no secret that most of the population on earth, particularly in westernized society are overweight and unhealthy. Almost everyone knows excess abdominal fat is a root cause of most chronic inflammatory diseases like diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, stroke and aging pre-maturely. Brown Fat Tissue (BAT) is key to burning off unhealthy …

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Natural Treatment for Diabetes

Natural Treatment for Diabetes Over 30 million people in the United States alone are affected by diabetes. Diabetes is a condition where your body can no longer produce efficient levels of the hormone insulin. When insulin production and metabolism is impaired, your body can't absorb carbohydrates effectively anymore and it leads to elevated levels of glucose in the blood and …

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Top Ten New Years Resolutions

Top Ten New Years Resolutions   When the global clock hits 0:00:01 on January 1st, that means you get a chance for a fresh new start this new year. Every new year is a new chance to maximize the positive changes you want to see and experience in your life, and minimize the old habits, patterns and release things that n …

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Holistic Treatment of Cancer

Holistic Treatment of Cancer What is the Holistic Treatment of Cancer? Holistic health focuses on the whole person and not the disease whereas modern medicine focuses on diagnosing the disease (which they are good at) and treating it (which they are not good at) but always stop short of a cure or a permanent healing. Holistic and Alternative treatments for …

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How to Detox Your Liver

How to Detox Your Liver Your liver is your body's master cleansing organ. When your liver gets too toxic or congested it will spill out toxins it can't deal with into your skin or eyes (jaundice.) Jaundice will make your eyes and skin turn a yellowish color and that is a major warning of liver damage or liver disease. Learning …

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Supplements for Eye Health

Supplements for Eye Health If you've ever wondered if it is possible to improve your eyesight and have clearer vision without harmful procedures or surgeries, the short answer is absolutely yes! You will quickly discover Supplements for Eye Health that really help by feeding your eyes, exactly what they need that is lost or not even present in your daily …

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How to Get Rid of Phlegm in Your Throat

How to Get Rid of Phlegm in Your Throat How to Get Rid of Phlegm in Your Throat, Chest and Sinus Cavities for good. What is the difference between Phlegm and Mucus? Phlegm and mucus are very similar and you can use one term or another and be easily understood. Mucus is a thick gooey substance that comes from a …

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Proteolytic Enzymes

Proteolytic Enzymes Proteolytic Enzymes can be best natural healing supplement you've probably never heard of. Enzymes are natural substances that your body needs to properly break down the food (digestive enzymes) you eat into nutrients that your body can use as nutrition (healing, and creating new body tissues.) Systemic Enzymes work not only on your digestive system and colon but can …

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Natural Remedies for Bronchitis

Natural Remedies for Bronchitis Natural remedies are made from plants, herbs, flowers and other natural sources and matter that have energetic vibrations similar to what is causing your symptoms, in this case bronchitis and being able to breathe easily and freely. Natural remedies for bronchitis work by stopping the cause of your bronchitis symptoms (acute bronchitis or chronic bronchitis) as well …

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Natural Remedies for Hair Growth

Natural Remedies for Hair Growth If you're worried after seeing more hair in your brush or comb and thinning hair on top of your head then you can really stop worrying now. Natural Remedies for Hair Growth can help restore your own natural hair so you don't stress out and make it fall out faster. New technologies combined with specific …

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Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis

Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis Choosing a Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis combines natural therapies that build bone density along with the right kind of nutrition and supplementation to prevent osteoporosis before it even begins. Osteoporosis symptoms usually begin to show up after we pass 30 years of age, or have severe malnutrition or poor eating habits combined with lack of weight …

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Treatment for Neuropathy in Legs and Feet

Treatment for Neuropathy in Legs and Feet Neuropathy, also referred to as Peripheral Neuropathy is damage to the nerves of the peripheral nervous system. Using a Natural Treatment for Neuropathy in Legs and Feet can help this increasingly common condition without harmful side effects of traditional medicines. Neuropathy damage can be caused by trauma injuries like falls, accidents or compression injuries; …

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