Easiest Way to Quit Smoking
Easiest way to quit smoking cigarettes. Almost everyone on the planet knows that cigarettes are not good for your health. When you quit smoking cigarettes you break the addiction cycle and actually rewire your brain to stop craving and needing nicotine. You really can quit smoking if you have a plan in place that stops your cravings for nicotine and also replaces the action of smoking with something else. There is an easy way to stop smoking when you combine holistic medicine with modern technology, and it works like gangbusters!
The sooner you quit smoking cigarettes the faster you reduce your risk for serious and life threatening disease like cancer, heart disease and severe breathing difficulties. A good friend of mine who had advanced lung cancer, emphysema and COPD said he felt like he was drowning when he wasn't on his oxygen tank. He said his biggest regret in life was not stopping smoking when he took his first puff and started chocking. You have that chance right now to make a positive change in your life that will affect every part of your life for the better, Quit Smoking the Easy Way!
Marlboro Man Last Words
Who was the Marlboro Man? Sometimes a simple true story is more powerful that all the no smoking campaigns in the world. I'm sure you've heard the story of the Marlboro Man, who bought the hype that “smoking is healthy” and became the official spokesperson for smoking. The Marlboro Man's real name was Wayne McLaren and he called non-smokers “wimps and weaklings.” However, we know how he spent his short retirement. It wasn't roaming the open prairie, it was roaming the surgical, radiation and chemotherapy wards of hospital after hospital, and suffered in pain and agony in a nursing home. The Marlboro Man last words should inspire you to stop smoking immediately!
On his deathbed, he scribbled on paper (he could no longer speak – his throat muscles were cut out) how he had been misled by the tobacco company, and he wished he could have his life back again. He won a huge settlement against the tobacco company, but his life was over – he could never get that back. All his money was spent on painful hospital treatments. His last painful years were spent without being able to eat normal food (through a straw), no more kissing or enjoyment of love making, or even intimacy. Even a kid could push him over. – So much for that wimp theory!
Risks of Cigarette Smoking
Everybody knows what eventually happens to people who chose to smoke: Cancer (Lungs, Mouth and Throat), skin wrinkling, brown or yellow teeth and nails, loss of the sense of taste and smell, weakened immune system and you're prone to getting sick and just not feeling very good frequently. And, that's just from the smoke, we haven't touched the Nicotine yet! There are obvious risks of cigarette smoking that you need to be aware of. Here are a few of the most common health risks of smoking:
- Cancer Risk increased by 1700%
- Heart Attack
- Stroke
- Emphysema
- Bronchitis
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Diabetes
- Oxygen Deprivation
- Yellow Teeth
- Brown Finger Nails
- Wrinkled Skin
- Old Looking Pale Skin
The moment you stop smoking cigarettes you start improving your health instantly. The longer you do it, the healthier you get. If you don't relapse you can almost always have a full recovery. The time for that depends on how long you smoked, just be aware that every single cell in your body replaces itself in 7 years.
Benefits of Not Smoking
What happens when you stop smoking and what are the health benefits of not smoking? You will experience a lot of positive benefits by stopping smoking cigarettes. Here are a few of the top benefits of smoking cessation:
- Look Better than You ever have
- Power & Control over your life (you can ditch the crutches)
- Increased Self-Confidence and Will Power
- Attract over twice as many friends and partners
- A Lot of Money (more than $1,000 extra per year in your pocket)
- Lower insurance premiums
- Being able to sit where you want in a restaurant, bar or anywhere
- with no stress
- Greater Health, Fitness and Endurance
- Look more attractive
- Be able to savor the flavor of baked potatoes (most smokers can't taste it)
- You'll sleep better at night
And those are just a few of the many benefits of quitting cigarettes. You can quit and you'll discover the easy way to quit cigarettes below. We'll start with what keeps you addicted to smoking so you can stop that pattern.
How Addictive is Nicotine?
How addictive is nicotine? The in Nicotine in cigarettes immediately stimulates and relaxes the body at the same time. It's almost like Irish Coffee or Red Bull and Vodka. But because cigarettes are inhaled, it takes only seven to ten seconds to reach the brain — twice as fast as intravenous drugs and three times faster than alcohol. Once it hits the brain, it induces the actions of adrenaline, a hormone, and acetylcholine, a powerful neurotransmitter that sets off the brain's waking state and puts in on alert.
After taking a few puffs, the nicotine level in the blood skyrockets, the heart beats faster and blood pressure increases. Result: smokers become more alert and may actually even think and react faster to certain things. In addition, nicotine may produce a calming effect by triggering the release of natural opiates called beta-endorphins. Thus a smoker literally commands two states of mind — alertness and relaxation. That's why it's so important to address the nicotine connection first. Just step into a new socially alive scene with your high tech e-smokes.
What Does Nicotine do to Your Body
What does nicotine do to your body? Nicotine affects the whole body and mind of the person who chooses to smoke. It starts constricting blood vessels and starts slowing down circulation in the body and face (that's why you see a red face in when someone is smoking) and diminishes circulation in the extremities, often causing the chills in the arms and legs. It relaxes your muscles and suppresses the appetite for carbs, and you'll notice a lot of smokers are thin. The body doesn't store nicotine but smokers maintain a constant level in their blood by smoking regularly. It controls our moods and performance and that's what makes it so powerfully addicting.
Even with all this going on in our bodies and minds,we can stop smoking cigarettes if we have a complete smoking help program in place, and we do here. Although ex-heroin users have reported that tobacco's grip was harder to break than their illicit drug habit, 43 million Americans have managed to quit smoking, mostly succeeding on their own. Increasingly, though, the one-third of all Americans who still smoke are seeking smoking help and support programs, which generally stress that the tobacco habit is a treatable addiction. Thomas Kottke, a senior consultant at the Mayo Clinic says the Best way to Quit Smoking is to combine several approaches with plenty of long-term support for the struggling nonsmoker.
Is Vaping Safer than Smoking?
Is vaping safer than smoking? It depends on what you're vaping. It generally is because it doesn't dry your throat and lung tissue which needs moisture. You can vape tobacco and nicotine and that isn't very safe. You can use a CBD Vape and it is actually healing compared to smoking cigarettes. It is even better than smoking marijuana, because when you have smoke it contains tar which ends up in your lungs and arteries. I stopped smoking cigarettes quite a while ago, and I don't miss it at all. If you can get organic (Best CBD Vape) then it is super healthy!
I just recently started vaping after I researched if it was safe or even healthy. When I was convinced it was actually health promoting, I do it occasionally using a CBD vape. I first read that vaping causes fluid in your lungs so it stopped me. Then I realized that breathing air causes fluid in your lungs due to humidity in the air. Same with drinking water, taking a shower, washing your face. You get much more vapor in your lungs on a humid day outside or taking a bath or shower!
Vaping gives better relaxation than nicotine, is not addicting and is a cancer preventative rather than cigarettes which causes cancer. You can use it as a safe method (if you are not allergic or have other medical reasons why you should not use CBD) to stop cigarette smoking. I sleep much, much better now that I vape CBD. I had chronic insomnia from my time in the Marines and it has totally stopped it cold. It only took a few nights and it's gone. I wake up refreshed and I wouldn't change that for anything.
Natural Ways to Quit Smoking
Natural ways to quit smoking cigarettes. It's important to read encouraging stories of other previous long term smokers who have quit smoking cigarettes completely. Also, it is wise to find an alternative to the nicotine (the addictive substance in cigarettes) like a patch, electronic cigarettes or herbal homeopathic support, which will give the body a substance that looks like nicotine, but non- addicting, allowing you to break free from the smoking habit completely!
My parents were both smokers, and both are no longer with us. They were not even that old, but they did look so because of their heavy chain smoking. And I've dealt with sinus, allergy and breathing problems myself because of living in heavy smoke filled rooms. It's taken me a long time to cleanse my lungs from the secondhand smoke. It's part of the reason I got into holistic health to begin with, because I wanted to do the opposite of my parents and have better results with my health and happiness in life than they did.
Hypnosis To Stop Smoking
I discovered hypnosis to stop smoking that has helped quite a few friends stop smoking for good! To successfully quit smoking you have to replace the brain (neural networks) which are real nerve systems that are wired to need nicotine and always have a cigarette in your hand. You need to give your body the instructions on what to replace it with (you just can't replace an active nerve network with nothing) your body doesn't work that way.
The easiest way to do it is through subliminal replacement. I totally recommend Real Subliminals to Quit Smoking because they help you change the habit behaviors and memories (triggers) that seem to cause you to have to smoke. This is re-inventing yourself at the core level. This is where this change, or any change (even phobias) can be successfully changed once and for all. This is deep stuff, but will help every aspect of your life. I personally use it every time I have an issue that is brought to my attention that I really want to change.
Using this I can do it every time! There are even brainwave entrainment for nicotine addiction frequencies that can help you quit smoking cigarettes by interfering with the brain waves that are shooting out “the jitters” that normally call for a smoke break. Do this and you'll get a break from smoke instead, and feel really good about yourself!
Homeopathy for Quitting Smoking
Homeopathy for Quitting Smoking is one of the best ways to balance your brain and nervous system so it doesn't fire off the nerve impulses for cigarette (nicotine) craving and that you need something in your hand. Homeopathy is a very unique system of medicine because the ingredients are used at levels that are not toxic, with no negative side effects and are effective at releasing the taste and desire to smoke. The science of homeopathy is over 200 hundred years old, and is based on the premise that certain natural substances can stimulate the body's own healing systems – allowing the body to heal itself.
If you are a smoker or are helping a smoker break free, then Homeopathic Medicine to Stop Smoking is a powerful ally. It will help you in the “between times” replace your cravings with an activity and make the healthy switch naturally. It will give you step by step instructions on how to stop smoking cigarettes quickly and permanently. Homeopathy is a big part of and easy way on discovering How to Quit Smoking Naturally!