Treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder Treatment

Treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder

I'm sure you've heard of the “winter blues” or even “summer blues.” You can naturally feel blue for many reasons, but if it happens because of the change of seasons, it is called Seasonal Affective Disorder. Feeling blue, can be from not getting enough of the natural “blue” light vibration (day time lighting) absorbed into your skin and through your retina in your eyes. Fortunately there is a natural Treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder that can easily move you from SAD to Glad in a few short hours.


Seasonal Affective Disorder (or the appropriately shortened acronym SAD) causes you to feel blue! It is a mild form of depression that usually lasts for days but can last for months if more severe. As long as you take some steps to get out of your rut it can improve daily. You'll discover the best natural treatment of SAD and seasonal affective disorder medicine that naturally bring your thoughts and emotions back into balance and harmony so you just feel naturally good.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder? Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD for short, affects up to 10% of the population according to It affects women a lot more than men, about 4 times more women experience the signs and symptoms of seasonal affective disorder than do their male counterparts. SAD feelings usually begin when the season changes from fall into the longer and darker winter months, but it can happen in the dead of summer as well. 


Some people can feel it and be over it in a few hours and get back on track. Other people have a more difficult time shaking these feelings. If it lasts longer than a few hours it leads to SAD Depression or Seasonal Affective Disorder Depression. It can cause a catch 22 or negative “SAD cycle” that keeps you feeling depressed without a seeming light at the end of the tunnel.

seasonal affective disorder depression

SAD Depression

How do you know if you have SAD Depression? There are some common signs and symptoms that you can look out for to see if you or someone you know is suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD Depression. As the title shows it is usually Seasonal, because of the changes of seasons, and the change from your regular pattern of living to an altered one.


If you were active, but now that the seasons have changed you can't do what you were dong before, it can cause feelings of depression. Social norms can change because of this and you may feel more isolated and lonely. It can become a cycle that is a little challenging to break out of without a little boost from someone who has been through it or even by allowing a little help from mother nature herself!

seasonal affective disorder symptoms

SAD Symptoms

There are telltale signs that will notice if you have the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. If you are experiencing 3 or more of these SAD Symptoms when the seasons change into the colder and darker winter months then you just may be affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder. 

  • Oversleeping
  • Difficulty Getting Out of Bed
  • Overeating
  • Cravings for Carbohydrates and Sweets
  • Lack of Energy
  • Lack of Drive
  • Difficulty Relating with Others
  • Withdrawal from Friends, Family and Social Gatherings
  • No Sense of Purpose
  • The word Suicide even crossing your mind

It is generally not severe unless the person does not adjust within a week or two. It's not the end of the world, just the end of a season. There is plenty that you can do to help yourself or someone you know who is being affected by SAD.

sad lamp

Seasonal Affective Disorder Lights

It's no secret that natural sunlight on your face and skin for 15-20 minutes per day can lift your depression and have you feeling much more alive and happy. If you can't get natural sunlight because of where you live, then natural lighting can help you get it, even if you're stuck indoors. It's called natural Seasonal Affective Disorder Lights or a Sad Lamp. Here are the types of lighting. vitamins and exercise that promotes feelings of light in your body: 

  • SAD Lamp (If you don't live in an area where you can get natural sunlight on your skin, use a natural light called a Sad Lamp. These SAD lights Provide full spectrum sunlight and natural mood enhancement as well as natural vitamin D)
  • Full Spectrum Light Bulb (you can use these in place of your regular bulbs and get the benefits of the sun inside)
  • Natural Sunlight Therapy (20+ minutes of sunlight before 10am or after 2pm)
  • Exercise – At least 20 Minutes per day of the moderate exercise, preferably outdoors or at a gym with other people. Exercise, even walking, will naturally boost your feel good hormones
  • Color Therapy (choose bright colors, particularly yellows, greens and grounding earth or pastel colors)
  • Melatonin (Natural Hormone that balances our circadian rhythm – our sleep / wake cycle and sleep is very important for mood)
  • Vitamin D3 (You can also get Natural Vitamin D3 by 15-30 minutes of natural sunlight on your skin or using a sad light full spectrum lamp)

 Light therapy for SAD is one of the best natural ways to remove the feeling of sad from your life. Get outdoors for at least 20 minutes on days where there is sunlight. Exercise in any way that you can that is comfortable for you. Consider eating more vibrantly colored foods (yellows, oranges and greens) and take some of the recommended supplements above.

treatment for sad

Treatment of SAD

Use the following natural Treatment of SAD to just begin feeling good now. It uses the best of mother nature to get you on top of your game quickly. Here are the top 2 natural therapies that can reverse your SAD feelings and feel better quickly: 

  • Destroy Depression Method A natural drug-free holistic treatment for depression that teaches you how to be free from SAD and depression for a lifetime)

These are the top natural treatments for seasonal affective disorder. They are both drug-free and holistic programs that show you how to improve your mood naturally in a short time. They are excellent to learn, and you can even use them to help you out of other challenging situations. 


Seasonal Affective Disorder Medication

Discover the very best Seasonal Affective Disorder Medication and natural remedies that lift you out of your SAD feelings naturally. These are the top natural remedies for depression and SAD and they work very well and are highly rated by people who are using them now. You an use them together as they work through different pathways in your body.

  • Stress Support is a natural herbal and mineral supplement that brings a sense of calm, ease and peace to your thoughts, feelings and emotions. It helps you “just be” and lifts your mood and the way you fee..
  • Lithium Orotate is a natural mineral that Dr. John Gray, the world famous psychologist and author of bestselling “Women Are From Venus, Men Are From Mars” series of books and videos highly recommends this to end depression naturally.
  • Organic CBD Oil (Organic CBD oils are natural mood enhancers that relieve your feelings of depression, even more severe types of depression like PTSD, as well as healing your whole body from the inside out. Powerful natural cancer remedy as well! You can get them as CBD Oil, Topical Creams, Vape or even easy to take Gummy Bears. They have formulas made just for relieving depression anxiety and stress levels. There are other formulas for pain relief and cancer as well)

These are the top alternative remedies for depression and SAD relief because they actually work without leaving you feeling drugged.  You just feel lighter after taking these natural supplements for depression and anxiety relief. I highly recommend Stress Support because it has worked the best for me and those that I know, without any dependency or side effects. 

Stress Support Benefits

  • * Relieves Your Depression Feelings Naturally
  • * Naturally Elevates Your Mood and Thoughts
  • * Stops Anxiety and Panic
  • * Restores a Naturally Grounded Feeling
  • * Safe and effective natural medicine
  • * Provides long-term positive brain and emotional health support
  • * Provide fast, doctor-formulated relief with no negative side effects


If you want the best natural treatment of seasonal affective disorder then Stress Support is definitely a ray of sunshine. It helps elevate your thoughts and feelings of endless depression from you naturally. It's guaranteed to work for you, just like it has for so many people that didn't get any relief from the harmful prescription medicines. To start feeling a sense of calm and happiness without feeling medicated visit: Stress Support now.

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