Natural Remedies for Psoriasis
If you are experiencing the embarrassing (and sometimes serious) signs of psoriasis or eczema, then don't fret as there are Natural Remedies for Psoriasis and Eczema that really work. I even had it once and tried to cover it up with longer clothing or even growing my hair longer. Prescription medicines and creams helped with the itch but did nothing to cure it.
I knew I could heal from it. I had to do my own research and find out how people were treating psoriasis and curing it naturally. After quite a bit of research I discovered what is working for psoriasis and eczema and now am completely free of it, and have been for years now! And you can be too!
How Do You Get Psoriasis?
How do you get psoriasis? And exactly what is psoriasis? Psoriasis affects over 7.5 million people in the U.S. alone. It can show up almost unannounced, but usually when you're under a lot of stress. There are few ways you can get psoriasis, but most commonly it is from your liver not being able to handle all the toxins that are in your body.
You can experience mild psoriasis, moderate psoriasis or even severe psoriasis. It will depend upon whether your psoriasis just showed up or you have been experiencing it for a while now. It is usually not contagious or fatal so a lot of people simply ignore it or try to put lotion or cream on it to make it appear less unsightly. Using the natural remedies for psoriasis (shown at the bottom of this page) can help you stop the cause of your psoriasis and give you clear beautiful skin.
Types of Psoriasis
There are some basic Types of Psoriasis and places where then tend to show up most commonly. Here are the psoriasis types and locations you will see the most of when someone is experiencing psoriasis:
- Psoriasis Vulgaris or Plaque Psoriasis (This is the most common type of psoriasis and can appear anywhere but usually shows up on your elbows, knees, scalp or lower back)
- Psoriasis Guttate (Trunk, upper arms, thighs and scalp)
- Erythrodermic Psoriasis (This is the least common but usually the most serious of the types of psoriasis. The irritation will appear to be red and burned looking, and you may experience a change in body temperature)
- Pustular Psoriasis (Usually happens to adults, and is a skin irritation or bumps filled with pus. It is not usually contagious)
- Inverse Psoriasis (Armpits, groin, under the breast, and in the folds of your skin, usually in or around the buttocks or genital area)
- Nail Psoriasis (Pitted, tender or painful nails that may change color to yellow or brownish. Chalk like substance under your nails. Half the people with psoriasis have nail psoriasis, and those with psoriatic arthritis)
- Psoriatic Arthritis (This is a combination of having arthritis and psoriasis. It is usually after having psoriasis for a while and then developing joint arthritis.) You experience it as swollen and painful joints after rest or upon waking. Sausage like swelling of the joints in your fingers and toes. Your joints may feel warm to the touch and be slightly discolored.
After you see if you have any of the psoriasis types then you can begin looking at the causes and natural remedies for psoriasis to relieve it quickly.
What Causes Psoriasis?
What causes psoriasis? Psoriasis is a skin infection that affects a good portion of the population all over the world so it is quite common. Psoriasis is classified as an autoimmune disease or condition, where your immune system attacks your own body's cells and in this case causes your skin (your largest organ) to create extra skin cells to protect itself. You can help reset this by giving your body cellular level nutrition that feeds the stem cells to recreate healthy immune system and tissue cells.
There is a predisposition to psoriasis if your parents were also affected by it. It can be brought about by hormonal changes or out of balance hormone levels. Also, antibiotic use, bacterial infection like streptococcus, or viral infections like HIV, prescription medicine use, food allergies, excess alcohol use, smoking cigarettes, and unrelieved stress are common causes of psoriasis. Use the natural remedies for psoriasis to stop the itch and prevent skin scarring.
Symptoms of Psoriasis
There are some general symptoms of psoriasis that you will see when you are being affected by it. Look for the following psoriasis symptoms and signs:
- Itchy, Scaly looking skin on knees, elbows, and upper body. Usually pinkish below with a white top (plaque psoriasis).
- Thick, pitted, discolored nails (fingers or toes) that may seem to separate from the nail bed below (nail psoriasis).
- Red, scaly patches on skin with pus inside, particularly on the hands or feet (pustular psoriasis).
- Stiffness and painful joints, particularly after waking or rest (psoriatic arthritis.)
- Raised body temperature with any of the above symptoms of psoriasis.
If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms you may have psoriasis and the faster you treat it the less permanent scarring you will have, and you may prevent serious liver disease as well. Use the natural remedies for psoriasis shown at the bottom of this page.
Psoriasis of the Liver
Psoriasis of the Liver is a condition which is usually brought on by harsh prescription medications for psoriasis that damage the liver, creating a condition similar to cirrhosis of the liver. Your liver is your body's filter system and if it gets clogged up with toxins, chemical medicines, heavy metals and viruses it can literally deteriorate. It is one of the main causes of Psoriasis as well as organ and liver psoriasis.
Serious cases lead to jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and eyes. It's critical to keep your liver clean and working for you, because if you don't your body can't handle the toxins and they go right to your brain and bloodstream where the damage can be more immediate and serious. Keep your liver clean. See How to Detox Your Liver and you will avoid that problem and many more, like psoriasis because your liver is clean and ready to keep your blood and organs free from disease. It is a major part of the natural remedies for psoriasis relief!
Psoriasis Triggers
There are small list of psoriasis triggers that can cause or make your condition worse. If you are experiencing any of the most common triggers of psoriasis then try and take care of those issues first, and you may also reverse your psoriasis naturally. Here is a list of the most common Psoriasis Triggers:
- Damaged or Clogged Liver
- Allergic Drug Reaction
- Exposure to Harsh Chemicals or Heavy Metals
- Infection (particularly virus or fungal infection like candida)
- Prescription Medicine Side Effects
- Steroid medication use
- Sunburn
- Upper Respiratory Infection
- Stress
- Skin Injuries
- Pregnancy
The standard treatment of psoriasis usually involves UVA light therapy (although this is quickly going out of favor with medical doctors, as it creates more skin irritation and burning), prescription medications and prescription topical creams. Natural remedies for psoriasis treat the cause and can help you get rid of it for good.
Mycotoxin Testing
Mycotoxin Testing can help you see if the cause of your psoriasis is due to allergic reactions to yeast, fungus or mold. Yeast, fungus and mold can be hidden in the foods you are eating (I can sometimes taste them) and even in certain moist areas of your home you probably are not even aware of. Mycotoxins are harmful to your health because they produce chemicals that cause lowered immunity, sinus problems and skin allergies. They are not destroyed during home cooking so you need to wash or rinse your foods well and dry them off before consuming.
They affect those with a weak immunity or unhealthy intestinal flora. Youth and seniors citizens are the people most at risk and those that take prescription meds, chemotherapy and use antibiotics. If you're not sure, try a home Mycotoxin testing kit (pictured above) that lets you know for sure if you are being affected by them, and from where, whether it be in your foods or your home. These tests can be a little expensive but if you need to know for sure then it is the best way to do it.
I discovered my own sinusitis and bad sinus headaches where because of mold and fungus that I had in my body from eating moldy foods and even mold spores growing in areas of my home. Like everything in this universe maintaining a natural balance in your body helps you prevent most health conditions and leads to optimum wellness.
Natural Treatment for Psoriasis
If you want to reverse your psoriasis then the best way is to use a natural treatment for psoriasis that uses holistic or natural remedies for psoriasis that stop the cause of your psoriasis and allow your body to heal from the inside out.
- Holistic Psoriasis Cure is a proven way to heal from your psoriasis (and psoriatic arthritis) naturally and prevent it from returning.
There are some good psoriasis herbs and natural remedies for psoriasis that you can take that will help you get rid of psoriasis quickly.
Modern medicine has no permanent answer for psoriasis and calls it incurable. They want you to just live with it and take your medicine. Holistic medicine has a great answer because they actually treat the cause of psoriasis, so the symptoms go away for good. Read below the Best Natural Remedies for Psoriasis and start getting rid of your psoriasis and go sleeveless or shirtless again.
Light Therapy for Psoriasis
Your skin is the larges organ in your body and needs proper care to keep it working properly and protecting you from infection as well as looking healthy. Light Therapy for Psoriasis works really well and penetrates deeply to regenerate from the dermis up to your epidermis (bottom to top layer of your skin.) It uses a proven 308nm Excimer Device – Effective Natural Light Therapy For Psoriasis, Vitiligo And Eczema that you can use in the comfort of your own Home. This is a very safe and FDA approved device to get rid of the cause of skin conditions.
308nm wavelength infrared laser light therapy is a New Scientific Breakthrough In Treating Psoriasis, Vitiligo And Eczema. It help against the most common cause of dermatitis and skin conditions that are unsightly and can spread without treatment. Fortunately you can now use the Best Light Therapy Device for Psoriasis.
Best Treatment for Psoriasis
The Best Treatment for Psoriasis is using natural remedies for psoriasis and therapies that stop the cause of psoriasis (compromised immune system and liver problems) as well as your psoriasis symptoms quickly and safely, without additional side effects. Here are the best natural remedies for psoriasis that you can can use to reverse your unsightly psoriasis skin infection.
- Liv Pure (pictured above) is a natural remedy for psoriasis that detoxes your liver (when your liver is clogged it shows up in your skin as psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema.) This Liver Detox natural supplement cleanses stored toxins out of your liver and helps it even regenerate itself and helps you avoid fatty liver, cirrhosis, liver disease as well as liver and skin cancer. It does have one big side effect – It causes weight loss as it re-energizes your liver so it flushes excess fat from your liver and whole body. Your skin is directly affected by the health of your liver and by cleansing your liver, you give your skin the best chance to heal from psoriasis, eczema and rashes.
- Holistic Psoriasis Cure is a proven way to heal from your psoriasis (and psoriatic arthritis) naturally and prevent it from returning.
- Zeolite Powder – natural zeolite powder is one of the best natural remedies for psoriasis because it gets rid of the viruses that cause psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis as well as rheumatoid arthritis. It is also good against mycotoxins (mold, fungus, yeast) as well as an environmental detox.
- Paraclenz is a natural parasite remover which is a cause of a lot of skin issues as well as intestinal disorders like IBS, IBD, Colitis and Crohn's.
- C60 Cellular Regeneration is one of the most potent natural anti aging supplements ever discovered. It is the Most Potent Antioxidant, Antiaging and Radiation Neutralizer C60 infused with olive oil increases your lifespan and is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and protects the nucleus of your cells DNA from free radical damage and radiation damage including nuclear, EMF or EMR radiation from cellular and Wi-Fi devices. It also protects and can help prevent metabolic syndrome, diabetes, weight gain, inflammation, osteoarthritis and nerve damage. It prevents and can reverse UV damage (a major cause of aging and skin cancers.) It is also a natural immune system protector and booster.
- Best Black Seed Oil Organic black cumin seed oil (nigella sativa) is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory and immune system balancer. It heals skin conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis. It has potent cancer healing benefits (even from the medical treatment of cancer like chemotherapy and radiation sickness. It is also good for arthritis, diabetes, blood sugar, blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and improves skin texture and thinning hair and color.)
- Peak BioBoost is a microbiome balancer, it restores optimum intestinal balance so you have normal digestion and elimination. When you have skin issues it is tied to your liver and intestines not eliminating properly.
- CBD Pain Relief Itch Cream is a powerful topical rash healer. It heals your skin deeply and stops you from wanting to scratch it (which makes it worse, and spreads it.) It heals all kinds of skin issues like eczema, rosacea, and all types of skin infections (fungal/yeast/bacterial/viral.)
- Essential Tea Tree Oil can be used topically when mixed with coconut oil. It really clears it up. I recommend treating it internally with liver cleansing herbs and parasitic herbs and zeolite powder.
- LED Light Therapy – Near infrared light can help heal your skin very quickly. It is very safe and penetrates into your dermal layers to fight off infections, inflammation and spur healing. It is anti-aging and is used professionally to clear up skin conditions. It can also activate stem cells when you place it near a bony surface like the shin bone for 15-20 minutes a day. It regrows scalp hair.
If you use these natural remedies for psoriasis you can not only stop the cause of psoriasis but the itchy, scaly, sometimes painful traces of it from all over your body. You will finally be able to go sleeveless or wear shorts without feeling a little uneasy about it. Uncover you own smooth, radiant and beautiful skin once again!
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