Natural Remedies for Psoriasis If you are experiencing the embarrassing (and sometimes serious) signs of psoriasis or eczema, then don't fret as there are Natural Remedies for Psoriasis and Eczema that really work. I even had it once and tried to cover it up with longer clothing or even growing my hair longer. Prescription medicines and creams helped with the …
Read More »How to Boost Your Immune System
How to Boost Your Immune System How to Boost Your Immune System with Natural Immune Boosters. With new viruses and pathogens invading our society every day, our best chance to stay healthy and top of our game is to learn how to avoid a weakened and compromised immune system by building a solid foundation of natural immunity. You can do …
Read More »Natural Remedies for Cold
Natural Remedies for Cold Most people “catch” the common cold by being exposed to it from a family member, friend, co-worker or children if you are around children that are exposed to it. The common cold is really a mild to moderate viral attack that can leave you feeling low on energy with mind fog as well as cough, sneezing, …
Read More »Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treatment
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treatment Inflammatory bowel disease treatment. Inflammatory Bowel or IBD is a chronic condition or conditions that cause intestinal inflammation, chronic diarrhea, painful bloating and immune disorders. It has some symptoms related to IBS, or Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome as well. The walls of the intestines or gut become swollen, inflamed, and may even develop painful ulcers, which …
Read More »Is the Flu Vaccine Safe?
Is the Flu Vaccine Safe? Is the Flu Vaccine Safe for infants, children and even adults? The American Medical System (AMA) pretty much forces everyone they can do get a flu shot. If people refuse, they can be denied admission to school, fired from their job, and have their health insurance cancelled. I've always learned that whenever something is being …
Read More »Superbugs
Superbugs What are Superbugs? A Superbug refers to a microbial, usually a bacteria or virus that has become resistant to antivirals or antibiotics (antibiotic resistance.) A Superbug Infection (commonly a MRSA Staph Infection) is an infection that no longer responds to antimicrobial treatments. The superbug has developed antimicrobial resistance to antibiotics, antivirals and vaccines used to stop the spread and …
Read More »Treatment for Ebola Virus
Treatment for Ebola Virus Ebola sounds scary to most people. There is no need to panic however, as there are some things you can do (that will be shown below) that will help you survive this (and most other harmful virus outbreaks.) It is not always fatal and you can prevent the spread of this viral infection by using personal …
Read More »Norovirus Treatment
Norovirus Treatment If you travel for pleasure or for work, particularly on a cruise ship then you probably have heard about the norovirus before. It is wise to learn how to prevent it from making your trip a living nightmare, because nothing feels as bad as having severe nausea and vomiting while at sea. You need to know about the …
Read More »What is a Superfood?
What is a Superfood? What is a Superfood? The Top Super Foods are foods that have an extremely high nutritional value. They have deep rich colors which are full of antioxidants, natural enzymes, trace minerals, absorbable vitamins and health boosting nutrients. When you take a superfood into your body it actually raises your level of health and you can feel …
Read More »Radiation Safety
Radiation Safety Radiation Safety. Radiation is all around us all day, everyday. Most of the radiation we encounter daily is from our own sun through solar radiation through the UV (ultraviolet) spectrum of light. That is normal and even beneficial to all life on earth. You will still want avoid excess sun exposure when the UV index level is high …
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