What is a Superfood? What is a Superfood? The Top Super Foods are foods that have an extremely high nutritional value. They have deep rich colors which are full of antioxidants, natural enzymes, trace minerals, absorbable vitamins and health boosting nutrients. When you take a superfood into your body it actually raises your level of health and you can feel …
Read More »What Are Chemtrails?
What Are Chemtrails? What are Chemtrails and what are chemtrails made of? I'm sure you may have seen the constant lines in the sky as airplanes pass overhead. They follow the path of the plane that is spraying them and they stay in the sky over you for hours. They turn the once beautiful blue sky into a nasty hazy …
Read More »How to Get Rid of Acne Fast
How to Get Rid of Acne Fast How to Get Rid of Acne Fast using natural methods. Acne can seem to pop up (pun intended) at the wrong times. It can really put a damper on your social life if you're like me and care about your appearance. It can also lead to nasty and sometimes permanent scarring on your …
Read More »Radiation Safety
Radiation Safety Radiation Safety. Radiation is all around us all day, everyday. Most of the radiation we encounter daily is from our own sun through solar radiation through the UV (ultraviolet) spectrum of light. That is normal and even beneficial to all life on earth. You will still want avoid excess sun exposure when the UV index level is high …
Read More »What is Holistic Medicine?
What is Holistic Medicine? What is Holistic Medicine? Holistic Medicine (commonly referred to as Naturopathic Medicine, Alternative Medicine or Complementary Medicine) is vastly different from our “traditional” or conventional medical model practiced in westernized countries. Allopathic Medicine (your standard Medical Doctor or Hospital) relies upon the concept of identifying diseases or their associated symptoms, and then prescribing drugs to manage …
Read More »Neti Pot for Sinus Infections
Neti Pot for Sinus Infections Everyone who gets a bad sinus infection will hear about the benefits of using a Neti Pot for Sinus Infections. Neti Pots can be very helpful for clearing away excess mucus and giving your sinuses some relief. There is one serious warning you need to pay attention to before using a neti pot for sinusitis. …
Read More »Garlic Antibiotic
Garlic Antibiotic Is there a natural garlic antibiotic connection? Garlic is part of the allicin family which includes onions and leeks. They are best known as being potent food flavor boosters but most people don't realize how powerful it can be as a natural antibiotic. Garlic has been used for centuries as a natural antibiotic, ear oil treatment, yeast infection …
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