Natural Treatment for Diabetes Over 30 million people in the United States alone are affected by diabetes. Diabetes is a condition where your body can no longer produce efficient levels of the hormone insulin. When insulin production and metabolism is impaired, your body can't absorb carbohydrates effectively anymore and it leads to elevated levels of glucose in the blood and …
Read More »Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis
Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis Choosing a Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis combines natural therapies that build bone density along with the right kind of nutrition and supplementation to prevent osteoporosis before it even begins. Osteoporosis symptoms usually begin to show up after we pass 30 years of age, or have severe malnutrition or poor eating habits combined with lack of weight …
Read More »Is the Flu Vaccine Safe?
Is the Flu Vaccine Safe? Is the Flu Vaccine Safe for infants, children and even adults? The American Medical System (AMA) pretty much forces everyone they can do get a flu shot. If people refuse, they can be denied admission to school, fired from their job, and have their health insurance cancelled. I've always learned that whenever something is being …
Read More »Treatment for Ebola Virus
Treatment for Ebola Virus Ebola sounds scary to most people. There is no need to panic however, as there are some things you can do (that will be shown below) that will help you survive this (and most other harmful virus outbreaks.) It is not always fatal and you can prevent the spread of this viral infection by using personal …
Read More »Toxic Clothing
Toxic Clothing Are you wearing Toxic Clothing? Hormone Altering chemicals are showing up in most traditional brand name clothing. There are some newly discovered manufacturing techniques that are being used that you should be aware of. They include using outright harmful chemicals that get into your blood stream through your skin and the thousands of pores and sweat glands that …
Read More »Garlic Antibiotic
Garlic Antibiotic Is there a natural garlic antibiotic connection? Garlic is part of the allicin family which includes onions and leeks. They are best known as being potent food flavor boosters but most people don't realize how powerful it can be as a natural antibiotic. Garlic has been used for centuries as a natural antibiotic, ear oil treatment, yeast infection …
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