Is the Flu Vaccine Safe? Is the Flu Vaccine Safe for infants, children and even adults? The American Medical System (AMA) pretty much forces everyone they can do get a flu shot. If people refuse, they can be denied admission to school, fired from their job, and have their health insurance cancelled. I've always learned that whenever something is being …
Read More »Can Tooth Enamel Be Restored Naturally?
Can Tooth Enamel Be Restored? Can tooth enamel be restored naturally? Your teeth are living and growing parts of your body, even though like your height you won't grow much more after you're 21 years of age. Teeth are like bones made of minerals like magnesium and calcium with a living nervous system underneath that feeds their whole structure including …
Read More »What is GMO?
What is GMO? What is GMO? Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) are living plants or animals that have their genes spliced with other foreign substances or organisms. They do this to have the plants create their own pesticides internally so as to stave off insects from eating them and destroying their crops. The animals used as livestock can also be genetically …
Read More »Healing Frequencies
Healing Frequencies What are Healing Frequencies? Healing frequencies are sound waves or vibrations that are being used to effect a rapid healing in the mind and body. They have been used successfully since the dawn of time to keep the mind and body healthy and free from the ravages of stress. The Tibetan monks use healing frequencies like crystal or …
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