How To Get Rid of Parasites How to Get Rid of Parasites naturally. There are many types of parasites that can cause mild to severe discomfort and illness in people and animals. Live parasites are even added to vaccines, including the Covid-19 and variant as well as flu vaccines (coronavirus) see: Live Malaria Parasites added to vaccines in Nature's medical …
Read More »Superbugs
Superbugs What are Superbugs? A Superbug refers to a microbial, usually a bacteria or virus that has become resistant to antivirals or antibiotics (antibiotic resistance.) A Superbug Infection (commonly a MRSA Staph Infection) is an infection that no longer responds to antimicrobial treatments. The superbug has developed antimicrobial resistance to antibiotics, antivirals and vaccines used to stop the spread and …
Read More »Norovirus Treatment
Norovirus Treatment If you travel for pleasure or for work, particularly on a cruise ship then you probably have heard about the norovirus before. It is wise to learn how to prevent it from making your trip a living nightmare, because nothing feels as bad as having severe nausea and vomiting while at sea. You need to know about the …
Read More »Radiation Safety
Radiation Safety Radiation Safety. Radiation is all around us all day, everyday. Most of the radiation we encounter daily is from our own sun through solar radiation through the UV (ultraviolet) spectrum of light. That is normal and even beneficial to all life on earth. You will still want avoid excess sun exposure when the UV index level is high …
Read More »Zeolite in California
Zeolite California Zeolite California Dosage Limit? Most Zeolite is now not allowed to sold in bulk zeolite because the FDA is restricting how much pure zeolite powder can be purchased at one time in California and Iowa. It seems to be in places where there is a huge cancer industry (they make trillions of dollars off treatments of cancer, never …
Read More »What is Holistic Medicine?
What is Holistic Medicine? What is Holistic Medicine? Holistic Medicine (commonly referred to as Naturopathic Medicine, Alternative Medicine or Complementary Medicine) is vastly different from our “traditional” or conventional medical model practiced in westernized countries. Allopathic Medicine (your standard Medical Doctor or Hospital) relies upon the concept of identifying diseases or their associated symptoms, and then prescribing drugs to manage …
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