Tag Archives: Natural Immune

Is the Flu Vaccine Safe?

Is the Flu Vaccine Safe? Is the Flu Vaccine Safe for infants, children and even adults? The American Medical System (AMA) pretty much forces everyone they can do get a flu shot. If people refuse, they can be denied admission to school, fired from their job, and have their health insurance cancelled. I've always learned that whenever something is being …

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Superbugs What are Superbugs? A Superbug refers to a microbial, usually a bacteria or virus that has become resistant to antivirals or antibiotics (antibiotic resistance.) A Superbug Infection (commonly a MRSA Staph Infection) is an infection that no longer responds to antimicrobial treatments. The superbug has developed antimicrobial resistance to antibiotics, antivirals and vaccines used to stop the spread and …

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